COVID-19 Policy Update

September, 2023

CMENT is currently operating BAU (Business as usual) from our remote locations.  Please check here often for critical updates.

We have employed multiple sanitation strategies, including eliminating personal contact such as handshakes, supplying sanitizer to all staff members, as well as redoubling office-cleaning efforts.

We have, and continue to encourage our teams to work or hold meetings remotely rather than meet in groups whenever possible.

As it relates to our services and policies:

  1. Has COVID-19 impacted any of the products or services you provide?  – NO
  2. Does your Disaster Recovery Plan/Business Continuity Plan (DRP/BCP) include pandemic planning and preparedness? – YES
  3. If yes does your plan include: 
    1. Mass absenteeism?  – YES
    2. Transferring work and work-remote capabilities? – YES
  4. Have your DRP/BCPs been tested in the past year or as part of the ongoing COVID-19 threat? – YES, We have successfully completed a test during which all of our firm members logged in simultaneously from home or another remote location; we have had robust policies in place that provide for secure and efficient remote work for some time.
  5. Are you currently operating in Business As Usual (BAU) mode or have any DRP/BCP actions been implemented as a result of COVID-19?  – Effective tomorrow Friday, March 13, 2020, we will implement our remote working policy but are operating remotely as per usual with no disruptions to service or staffing
  6. Has the COVID 19 impacted any of the suppliers you engage that would impact the products or services provided?  – NO
  7. If your suppliers are impacted by COVID-19, what is being done to ensure they can continue to support their contractual obligations?  – NA our only suppliers are annual software license providers and hardware manufacturers.  We have backup hardware and software in place and have additional replacement hardware that can be used as required in the event of a failure.


CMENT will continue to service our clients, and there will be no disruption of services.